Friday, May 4, 2012


logotypes are emblems commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations, and even individuals to promote public recognition.
numerous inventions and techniques have contributed to the contemporary logo....including logo graphics languages,such as Egyptian hieroglyphics
cats of arms,watermarks and the development of the printing technology
as the industrial revolution developed in the 18th and 19th centuries,photography and lithography contributed to the boom of an advertising industry that integrated typography and imagery together on the page
as the time topography itself was undergoing a revolution of form and expression that expanded beyond the modest serif typefaces used in books
the art were expanding in purpose from expression and decoration of an artistic story telling nature to a different of brands and products that the growing middle classes were consuming
consultancies and trades groups in the commercial arts were growing and organizing by 1890 the US had 700 lithographic printing firms employing more than 8000 people
playful children books authoritative newspapers and conversational periodicals developed their ow visual and editorial styles for unique expanding audiences
as printing cost decreased literacy rates increased and visual styles changed the victorian decorative arts lead to an expansion of typographic styles and methods of representing businesses
by 1950 modernism has shed its roots as an avant grade artistic movement
the visual simplicity and conceptual clarity that were hallmarks of modernism as an artistic movement
less is more proved successful in the era of mass visual communications
important area of graphic design
logo are meant to represent companies brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer
real life situations do not stare at and analyze logo
see quick and glance

5 principles of logo design:
  • simple:   
  • memorable 
  • timeless
  • versatile 
  • appropriate 
makes a logo design easily recognizable, versatile, and memorable good logo featured something unexpected or unique without being over drawn. 
works across a variety of media and applications.
how you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended audience.
Four color process: technique for printing with full color. (cmyk)
spot color: method of specifying and printing colors in which each color is printed with its own ink. spot color printing is effective when the printing matter contains only one to three different colors, but becomes more expensive for more color.
Pantone Matching System. 
Combination mark: are graphics with both text and a symbolized/icon that signifies the brand image that you wish to project for your company or organization.
iconic / symbolic: icon and symbols are compelling yet uncomplicated images that are emblematic of a particular company or product. 
wordmark/ lettermark: use a company name as a whole. lettermark is the initials

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