
Assignment 13
This is extremely awkward in my opinion...I don't like this project it's strange and nothing like I have done before. In order to produce this mess, We got into groups and each made a different part to the body.

Assignment 12
Taking pictures of the letters of the alphabet, in nature. I don't like the last white space but the pictures were cropped so you could see them but not with good enough resolution. I would change some of the letters i took but overall I like it.

Assignment 11
Photo and text Manipulation

I love the picture and the paper bag texture together, but I would change the typeface I used. I don't like the font or size, or color. I wish I had changed it when we were working on it but, overall I think it's nice. I love the lyrics I used. They describe me well even if they aren't very legible...I would change the text placement, or how opaque it is. It has room for improvement in my critical eye.
Assignment 9
Goal: Using the given type classification create a typographic design based on the given principle.
 I particularly like the first three designs. To e they're bold and have an interesting layout. I would change the fifth and sixth designs because to me they look a little rushed.

Assignment 8
Typography project, pick a picture and any word and recreate the picture with only your word/ the letters in it. I chose this picture and used the word 'Freedom'. Music is everything to me so I found this rather inspiring for myself. I wouldn't change anything about it.

Assignment 7
Goal: Photo blend. Blend yourself into a picture with your favorite band, movie characters, TV stars etc. I chose Alice and Wonderland the live action film. I blended myself as the white queen  and used the top picture. I used layer masks to cover up the background in my original picture and then placed my picture on top of the original. I also semi-reconstructed the white queen's background because What I had erased in intention of being covered up did not actually get covered up as I had thought.

Assignment 6
Goal: photoshop pictures together to resemble the style of Steven Kroninger, and his book "If I crossed the road". Thinking in ia five year old's point of view, believing I could go anywhere and do anything I chose 'If I could cross the road I would build sandcastles all down the beach.' What kid doesn't like making sandcastles right?
Assignment Five
Photo Mosaic
using photoshop put together a bunch of little pictures to make a bigger one basically
I used a picture of Deadmau5 <3
Assignment Four
using photo booth take a self portrait and edit it in Photoshop to mimic Andy Warhol's pop art style.
Assignment three
color wheel
Mice and cheese
objective: create a color wheel using two pictures that relate to each other

Assignment Two Textures
Left to Right from the top:
ocean waves,  rain drops, and brick wall.
Second section Zebra stripes, Rope, and Glass shattering
Third row: Silk, Golf ball. and leaves

Assignment One

Objective: Make three icons, successfully and clearly showing a message without using words.
Review: Simple, just using basics in illustrator: Chef, Coffee, and Beauty shop.